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TAKE ACTION: Urge key elected officials to reject proposed delays to Food4All 55+


The Governor's May Revision to the 2024-2025 state budget proposes a two-year delay to the CFAP expansion for Californians ages 55 and older, regardless of immigration status. This delay continues the harm to California's undocumented communities, who experience food insecurity at disproportionately high rates.

Your voice makes a difference - join us in directly telling key elected leaders why Californian's older adult immigrants cannot afford to wait for Food4All.

Use the email template to contact our 5 key leaders in budget negotiations: Governor Gavin Newsom, Senate President Pro Tempore Mike McGuire, Speaker of the Assembly Robert Rivas, Senate Budget Chair Scott Wiener, and Assembly Budget Chair Jesse Gabriel.

The Legislature is voting on a final budget as soon as next week. Take action today!

Please use the sample email and add your voice & story to the bottom of the email to share why the Legislature and Governor need to honor their commitment to Food4All.