Thriving Transitions
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Since 1992 we have worked with partners from government, nonprofits, and the private sector to help people thrive.

2021-22 State Budget Includes Nutrition Investments but Long-Term Commitments Still Needed
  • Blog


New Child Care Spaces
The budget Budget Act of 2021-22 also created 200,000 new child care spaces by 2024-25, provides child care providers a long overdue pay raise, and waives family fees for one year among other investments. These investments are an important step towards building a more equitable early care and education system that meets all families diverse needs.

$15 M

in fundig
On July 16, Governor Newsom signed the remaining trailer bills concerning food and nutrition policies to implement the Budget Act of 2021-22. The final budget makes significant one-time and ongoing investments to bolster the state’s nutrition safety net now and in future years. We thank the Governor and Legislature for enacting bold policies and making historic investments that will reduce hunger and poverty in California.
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